Saturday, February 13, 2010

What I Want This Morning

Ah, it's been such an eventful year already! I've been in NYC and Orlando, and have many photos to share--but between all that travel and my teaching, it's been difficult to find the time to show you all of my images!

This morning, however, as I sit in my house and watch a foot(!) of snow melt outside, I'm reminded of two yummy NYC Polaroids...

We Are Happy to Serve You (2010)
I've always loved these NYC to go coffee cups; I even have a ceramic one, which is perfect for hot chocolate & hot toddies! This one was filled with delicious hot apple cider from NYC's Greenmarket at Union Square! I would love some right now!

Morning at the Doughnut Plant (2010)
This is a fabulous hazelnut donut (and chai!) from one of my favorite NYC treat-factories: the Doughnut Plant! There's always time for artisanal yumminess!

Both photos are SX-70 Polaroids taken with expired 779 film (and ND pack filters). I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

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