Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A Lily

I bought a beautiful lily flower this past weekend, and took these Polaroids to remember it by. I hope you enjoy them!

A Lily in a Jar

Un Hommage à une Femme

Both photos taken using my Polaroid SX-70 camera and expired Time-Zero film.
Signed prints, as always, are in my Etsy shop!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Happy Monday!

This weekend, I got another pack of Time-Zero! Here is one of my favorite photos that I've taken with that film so far. Happy monday!

Ranunculus (2009)
Camera: Polaroid Sx-70
Film: Polaroid Time-Zero (expired 3/2006)

signed prints, as always, at my Etsy shop!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


I have a soft spot for peonies; I love the way they seem to be endlessly unfolding their secrets. I recently took some Sx-70 Polaroid photos of two beautiful peonies, one pink and one white. I hope you will enjoy them as much as I do!

First, the pink...

But Soft... (SX-70 Blend film)

Revelation (expired Time-Zero film)

Unfolding (Artistic TZ film)

And then, the white...

The Hidden (expired Time-Zero film)

Electrix (SX-70 Blend film)

Signed prints are always available at my Etsy shop!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

It's been forever, I know! I have so much to share...I will, I promise!

In the meantime, spring is here! And that means...Easter and its icons! I pulled out my SX-70 and shot some Polaroids to share with you!

The Humble Peep (Sx-70 Blend Film)
An American Easter Obsession!

Tweet! (Artistic TZ Film)
(I'm on Twitter, by the way...)

Peter Rabbit (Artistic TZ Film)
Chocolate Beatrix Potter, anyone?

Three Golden Bunnies (Sx-70 Blend Film)
Who doesn't love Lindt chocolates? From Switzerland With Love!

Easter Eggs (Sx-70 Blend Film)
More coming for Orthodox Easter...this was the test drive.

Happy Spring to you and yours!
xo Nancy