Wednesday, April 2, 2008


I'm not really a self-portrait taker. Some photographers are really great at documenting themselves and exploring fascinating ways to create self portraits. Aside from snapshot-style selfs, I've never been much for this form of photography.

However, I have taken one self portrait that I think is interesting. Identification is a special photo for me, but it wasn't until a wonderful conversation last night with my friend that I realized it works for other people, too. So here I present: myself.

Identification (2007)
Camera: Polaroid Sx-70 Alpha 1, Model 2
Film: Polaroid Time-Zero
Location: Amman, Jordan

Thank you for the conversation, my friend.


Anonymous said...

I found this photo particularly fascinating and very beautiful. I'm having a hard time writing exactly why, but I feel as though the Western name written in golden Arabic script on the exposed feminine neck is exotic, gracious, subdued, yet beautifully irreverent. It's just gorgeous, really.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much, Faiqa. I think you've captured in words something of what I was trying to do with this photo, even though I wasn't aware of it at the time. <3 miss you!